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SA SES (South Australian State Emergency Service) Field Operations Guide (FOG) is an important operational reference tool for SA SES volunteers and operational staff. The guide contains quick and handy information which will assist with day to day operational activities. The Field Operations Guide is not intended to be a training tool. Rather, it acts as an aide memoire to trained members. The guide supports the SA SES Standard Operating Procedures and SES training manuals in use today.

This publication was compiled by the SA SES for the purpose of providing emergency management guidelines and checklists to its members who already have the appropriate emergency response training. The information in this publication is not intended for use by the general public or untrained persons, and is therefore not a substitute for professional advice and/or training.

While SA SES has exercised care in compiling this publication, the document and related graphics could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors, and the information provided may not be appropriate to all situations.